08 January 2009


So, I am realizing that our blog makes it seem sometimes that Archie is all consuming and he is our every moment of every day. Although, that does seem accurate... Ben and I are still kicking around leading pretty great lives too, so the three of us all together are lovin' life. Ben returned to school on Tuesday, yes classes started on Monday but in order to save some money we booked our flight from Michigan to Salt Lake on a Monday, so Ben sacrificed the first day of his classes, what a trooper. We spent about 10 days in Michigan and it was so great to see our family. Zach was able to be there, home from Oman for a few days, Alex and Christy were there and Ben and Laura, and of course Mom and Dad. We also spent some time with our good friends the Jones', where Salem, Burke and Ryder spent Christmas. It was so much fun to see them and see how much Ryder has grown! He was so cute with Archie, he calls him 'baby Archie', and he loved to hold him and tickle him and play. On the way back to SLC Ben and I stayed with the Morins, and the first thing Ryder asked when we arrived was if he could hold baby Archie. I thought 'oh how cute, he wants to hold him!', so we sat down on the couch, I put baby Archie in Ryders lap, and it was pure preciousness for about 5 seconds, then Ryder got distracted and wanted to do something else, and just started to get up and push Archie off of his lap! I lauged as I watched little Arch slowly roll off of Ryder's lap (of course I was holding him too, but secretly so as to give Ryder the illusion that he was doing it by himself, so there was no danger). But it made me ponder on the joy that children bring and the joy they feel around other children. It was great, thanks so much Burke, Salem and Ryder for letting us stay with you!
I am feeling like Archie is getting a little older and that I can spend more time away from him without feeling preoccupied that he needs me so much. So on Tuesday it snowed and snowed and snowed, so I went out with my father-in-law on Tuesday night and shoveled and shoveled and shoveled- it was wonderful. Not only was it great exercise, but it was fun to be outside doing something active, and to spend time with Pat which we otherwise might not get to spend time together.
It is great to be home, but I miss everyone that we visited with over the break. I love you all- can't wait for the summer!

1 comment:

Salem said...

I didn't know that happened!!!!! Ahhhh!!! I'm glad you are a very observant parent and that Archie was safe! Ryder has a little learning to do. :)