07 March 2009

Mister visited us!

So we joke with my Dad that we are going to get his grandkids to call him 'Mister' instead of Grandpa--- I don't think Archie gets it....
It was so wonderful to have my dad here for a couple of days. We talked and played games, went out to Cafe Rio AND La Carreta, both supremely delicious, we went on a couple of walks, and went to the Draper Temple open house, oh and we watched the Bachelor final episode while eating ice cream, what is better than that? (by the way I couldn't believe that Jason chose Melissa, but he thought about it and changed his mind, choosing our girl Molly from Grand Rapids- now they are living happily ever after, isn't that how it works?). It felt rejuvinating to have him here, thanks dad so much for coming. Archie loved it too, they had a lot of fun together. I think I also impressed my dad, which was what I was going for, with the dutch oven bread that I made- I will send you the recipe, or just post it.

1 comment:

Salem said...

Oh how I loved this post...to think of your dad coming for a visit just makes me happy. Especially picturing him watching the "Bachelor" with you guys...I bet he LOVES that show. :) I just wish I could have been there for the party....There's reason #279 that we need to live close some day...to bring back the good old days of watching it together. :)